Thursday, December 8, 2011

I have finished up the sketch plans that I was asked to draw up. The design is mostly the clients, I have basically put his ideas/wishes to paper and made it work. I am taking a drive this afternoon to present the drawings to him, and show him a sketch up model. Hopefully progress has been made, if all is approved i will move on to council submissions and working drawings.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Weekly Update

This week the design work was put aside and I worked on the garage addition. After completion I printed it out to show the client but he was busy at work so I emailed the drawings to him. A short while later I got a call from him and he was very impressed and happy with the drawings. He said he would print them later that afternoon to get quotes to do the work. That concludes my second successful private job this year.

Friday, November 18, 2011

First week of private work

This week I was approached to design, draught and do tender drawings for a new second dwelling. I spent about three hours with the client, discussing ideas, likes, dislikes, wants and needs for the house, and by the end of it all a rough sketch plan had been produced. I also had to draught a garage addition with a louvered roof. And to top it off I had to do layout drawings for our new kitchen so that we could get quotes for the cupboards. It was a very, very busy week indeed. I feel that a 9-5 job is much easier than working from home, although when working from home traveling isn't an issue.

I also got to visit an amazing house on Simons Town's mountainside.